About Us – DestinyEDU – Destiny Education

Who We Are


  • Recruitment and admission support services to students seeing degrees from American-accredited universities
  • Career counseling and development
  • Student academic advising
  • Academic scholarship and grant sourcing


DestinyEDU is a student advisory company authorized to recruit international students for American InterContinental University.  Eligible Prospective Students may enroll in the University under the specific terms, conditions and limitations through a grant reduction to $2600 per session.1
American InterContinental University (AIU) is an American regionally accredited university that offer a variety of academic programs of study at the associate, bachelor and graduate levels.  The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is the accrediting agency for American InterContinental University.  Accreditation is based on a system of peer review consisting of approximately 1,600 educators from institutions of higher education.
AIU has engaged DestinyEDU to recruit international students (non US-citizens) for enrollment.  We provide information and counsel to eligible prospective students about life and study in the United States for Eligible Prospective Students interested in attending a University campus. We also provide eligible prospective students information about studying at the University’s fully online campus in their respective countries.
Our Advisors counsel eligible prospective students respecting the appropriateness of the American InterContinental University  for their skills and interest in eligible degree programs (as determined by the University) and assist with the preparation of application documents and assistance with scheduling requisite tests (such as the Test Of English as a Foreign Language).
  DestinyEDU ascertains that each Eligible Prospective Student, whose application for admission is submitted to the university, meets the minimum admission standards established by the University as set forth in its catalog.
Our Advisors review Eligible Prospective Student application materials to ensure that they are complete according to University guidelines. We ensure that each Prospective Student has the best likelihood to meet University admission standards. Upon completion of the application, we assist Eligible Prospective Students in the submission of the completed application to the University.
We accurately represent the nature of University educational programs, financial charges and graduated employability in accordance with University policies, publications and disclosures.
We promptly furnish Eligible Prospective Students or any other student with all admissions and enrollment documents issued by the University, without exception.
American InterContinental University and Trident University are wholly owned subsidiaries of Perdoceo Education Corporation, a publicly traded Delaware Corporation (“PEC”).
DestinyEDU is a division of Heart 4 Humanity, Incorporated.

1. University grants or scholarships are based on established criteria as published in the University Catalog or on its website and are awarded after verification that the conditions of eligibility have been met.


We offer access to individuals seeking opportunities to improve themselves through globally-accepted higher education. 
Our partners’ education programs support students who accept the challenge of developing world-class skills in today’s competitive market.


We are a leading student advisory company for prospective students seeking American accredited university education.